Heidi Buelow Home


Chickens, Food, and all the rest


Chicken strut Chickens

Daisy and chicken in the window Can we come in it's raining! A broody hen on her eggs Eggs in hand Gathering eggs Bounty from the yard


Food Shift LogoFood Shift

Rescuing and celebrating food
Partnering with Alameda Point Collaborative and food surplus everywhere

FoodShift Kitchen Team


Scenes from the kitchen

Heidi and Chef Terrell Not an imperfect carrot Carrots cooking Peppers cooking Potatoes cooking Zucchini and onions yum Corn cooking Lunch spread 2 Ovens are full Cauliflower and corn Greens packaged Pickled radish Toasts with radish Lots of strawberries Lots of watermelon Spices Lemon cookies Leek stems Headed for compost


Copyright 2008-2019 by Heidi Denise Buelow. All Rights Reserved.